Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Garden Is Full of Produce

I have learned many new things in this gardening class.  I have seen the greatest growth in my willingness to try new things.  I am a person who likes to try new things but I usually try them with caution and take things slow.  This class had me trying new things more rapidly than normal with great results to show for the trials I made.
My teaching practice has changed due to this course in the fact that I don't wait to try things, I just go for it.  If it does not work then I try something else until I see results.  I am thankful for the other gardeners whom I have learned from.  It is through this PLN that I will continue to grow and add more seeds and plants to my ever changing and growing garden.

Friday, May 27, 2011

How Can I Share My Plants?

My garden is growing very nicely.  I am so excited to see the growth and I can't wait to share my vegetables and fruit that I am growing.  I have produced a few things and picked them to share with others in my school but I know that the things that are still growing are going to be ready in the fall after I have canned them and prepared them for others to eat.  Technology integration sells itself.  As I show my colleagues my growth they all want to grow a garden too.  It does not take anything other than a taste of my produce to get them all going and excited to start their own gardens. 
I am a leader.  I love to share what I feel good about.  I feel really good about my garden this year.  I have had good soil, sun, and water to make my garden grow and I am preparing to can and share starting fresh in the fall.
My class through IWU has taught me some new tricks to use not only during planting but most importantly after I have harvested.  I feel more confident in what I have learned and feel very prepared to continue to use things more and more and over and over again each year.  I will use the things I have learned to teach my students and coworkers so that they my start their own gardens.
I am so glad I have my IWU support group who are also expert gardeners.  Their strengths help me learn and build my skills each and every day.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Will My Garden Grow?

Using various Internet technologies is not too much of a concern for me.  I know my garden is going to grow when I try new things.  I want to use things correctly because I do not like to fail, but, I know that not everything is for me.  I like trying new things especially when they result in growth in my garden.
This week I was a bit worried about creating a WebQuest.  I researched it, I tried it, and I really liked it.  I shared with my teaching partners and I look forward to sharing with my new kindergarten students and families who will be starting in the fall. 
I did not even know that K-12 education was available online.  This week I learned about that too and feel I am a bit more prepared in sharing what I know about it and how it might work for someone who is interested.
My garden had many new sprouts this week.  I get so excited when I see growth.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

"New Plants"

In my teaching practice I have found some software applications that I feel very comfortable with using each and every day.  It is just like green beans in my garden.  I like the way they turn out so I plant them every year.  I love Publisher, Word is something I cannot do without, Power Point helps my students stay on task and organized, and then there is Rubicon Atlas and Pearson Inform.  I can't say I love Rubicon Atlas but rather have been required to use it.  It is one of those pieces of my garden that I "grow" for others who like it.  Do you plant things in your garden that others will eat but you won't?  I like to please others with what I grow in my garden.  Life is not just about me.  In fact, I plant and use many things that benefit others.  I am a person who likes to do what I can for others.  I guess that is why God has called me to teach.  Even though I may not like something I am still going to try it especially if it will help others.
My gardening skills can always use improvement.  I have made a plan to use at least one new software application a year with my class or if not use a new application, I will better my understanding in using an existing application in greater depth.  This year my district has added School Fusion to the list of things for us to be able to learn about.  I had a classroom web page but they have gotten rid of it and are offering training to start using School Fusion to those who are interested.  I begin my training on Monday morning as I go to a half day training to help me build my own web page.  I would really like to build a grade level web page where my whole team could contribute.  I want to share my gardening skills with others through my web page.  I will let you know how it goes.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

21st Century Teaching & Learning

Well, seeing how I have been planting and working in my garden for quite some time now, I feel comfortable saying I enjoy gardening.  I feel I am prepared for teaching and learning about gardening, yet, I know I always have more to learn.  Do you feel you are always prepared for everything that comes your way?   I am not afraid of new plants that I might try in my garden however; there are many new plants I have not yet tried. 
As a teacher, it is my job to equip my students with the necessary tools to be successful in their own garden of life.  How do I do this?  I go to work prepared each day; I strive hard to make each student a personal gift that I choose to take very good care of.  I care deeply for each of my precious gifts (students) and I take pride in what they learn and do while in my care.  I model for my students what it is to be a good gardener in life.  Each student leaves my class and moves on to their next adventure with all that I had to give them.  Do I ever worry that I should have given them more?  I do not think I would be human to not think about what else I could have done for them.  Do I feel I have not given them enough?  No, I cannot let myself think that way.  I am always learning and so are they.  I give what I give and hope I learn more each day so that I can then give that too.  I cannot worry about yesterday but live for today.
I have many challenges when it comes to teaching my students the biggest and best.  I want all of them to be prepared for tomorrow.  Not knowing what tomorrow will bring is a challenge.   I am up for challenges and I try hard not to let things get me discouraged which is a strength of mine.  I do run into weeds (challenges) such as being unfamiliar with something new, TIME, and sometimes effort.  Don't get me wrong, I said I was a hard worker but I am human.  I am a busy gardener.  In addition to being a gardener, I am a mom.  I must keep up with my gardening duties and help my own personal children and family plant, weed, and fertilize their gardens as well.  My family is very important.  I give the time I can to my learning so that I can help not only my students learn but also my family.  Life in itself is a challenge, a good challenge, but one that does not always allow me to do it all.  The 21st century brings many new weeds (obstacles) into my teaching world.  I battle them as they come and look forward to using my strengths of courage, patience, and a willingness to learn the new tricks to help me be the best I can be.  If I am my best I will help others to be their best too.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Planting the Seeds

As I begin my journey into a new adventure in my life (My Masters Degree), I feel blogging is a creative "plant" to add in my garden.  Through this blog I hope to share my thoughts and ideas.  I want to learn from others as well.   I am just now planting the seeds so I hope you will encourage me and join me as I grow. By sharing your thoughts and ideas we can come to this common place and we can grow a beautiful garden together.  I am just starting the process so I hope to add as I go. 
In my classroom and my school I feel technology is available.  I have many things to learn so I can use technology more within my classroom.  Have you heard of ISTE NETS and Performance Indicators for Teachers? http://www.iste.org/Libraries/PDFs/NETS_for_Teachers_2008_EN.sflb.ashx
I had not heard of (NETS T) before they were introduced in my technology class I am taking.  After reading these I feel as if I have a lot of work to do in order to be a leader in digital-age education.  Does anyone else feel as if they have more work to do as a digital-age education leader?  I do many of the things mentioned in the NETS T but I feel as if I am missing the technology piece.
As a kindergarten teacher I have many new things to teach my students.  I am fortunate to have my students all day every day.  Technology is a part of our every day routine but I know I need to learn more to take my teaching to the next level.  I suppose I could come up with a million excuses as to why I am not taking things to the next level, but I would rather not and just move forward in my process.  One of the first steps to planting my garden is planting the seeds.  I have planted some seeds, I have started watering, and now I must pull some weeds. 
How can I be sure I am doing what is best for my students when it comes to technology?  What I know, is what I teach, so now it is time for me to start finding some new seeds to plant and get moving.  I am always open to new ideas so please share.  I do like to share what I know as well.  Some people can grow certain plants in their gardens and some can't.  I like to take the approach of trying everything.  If something does not grow then I will try something else.  I am my own barrier to what grows in my garden.  I like to take what I have and work with it.  I try new things with caution as I do not like to fail.  I do understand there will be ups and downs.  Some years things will grow big and some years they won't.  I am taking this year to fertilize my garden and keep the weeds away.  I do not have any fears when it comes to trying something new however, I did say I am cautious while at the same time curious.
As I move forward in my journey I invite you to join me.  I want new plants in my garden this year.  My goals are to keep working hard in the garden as I know it takes a lot of work.  I am going to take suggestions from others because sharing gardening ideas is what helps each garden grow stronger.