Sunday, April 17, 2011

21st Century Teaching & Learning

Well, seeing how I have been planting and working in my garden for quite some time now, I feel comfortable saying I enjoy gardening.  I feel I am prepared for teaching and learning about gardening, yet, I know I always have more to learn.  Do you feel you are always prepared for everything that comes your way?   I am not afraid of new plants that I might try in my garden however; there are many new plants I have not yet tried. 
As a teacher, it is my job to equip my students with the necessary tools to be successful in their own garden of life.  How do I do this?  I go to work prepared each day; I strive hard to make each student a personal gift that I choose to take very good care of.  I care deeply for each of my precious gifts (students) and I take pride in what they learn and do while in my care.  I model for my students what it is to be a good gardener in life.  Each student leaves my class and moves on to their next adventure with all that I had to give them.  Do I ever worry that I should have given them more?  I do not think I would be human to not think about what else I could have done for them.  Do I feel I have not given them enough?  No, I cannot let myself think that way.  I am always learning and so are they.  I give what I give and hope I learn more each day so that I can then give that too.  I cannot worry about yesterday but live for today.
I have many challenges when it comes to teaching my students the biggest and best.  I want all of them to be prepared for tomorrow.  Not knowing what tomorrow will bring is a challenge.   I am up for challenges and I try hard not to let things get me discouraged which is a strength of mine.  I do run into weeds (challenges) such as being unfamiliar with something new, TIME, and sometimes effort.  Don't get me wrong, I said I was a hard worker but I am human.  I am a busy gardener.  In addition to being a gardener, I am a mom.  I must keep up with my gardening duties and help my own personal children and family plant, weed, and fertilize their gardens as well.  My family is very important.  I give the time I can to my learning so that I can help not only my students learn but also my family.  Life in itself is a challenge, a good challenge, but one that does not always allow me to do it all.  The 21st century brings many new weeds (obstacles) into my teaching world.  I battle them as they come and look forward to using my strengths of courage, patience, and a willingness to learn the new tricks to help me be the best I can be.  If I am my best I will help others to be their best too.

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