Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Planting the Seeds

As I begin my journey into a new adventure in my life (My Masters Degree), I feel blogging is a creative "plant" to add in my garden.  Through this blog I hope to share my thoughts and ideas.  I want to learn from others as well.   I am just now planting the seeds so I hope you will encourage me and join me as I grow. By sharing your thoughts and ideas we can come to this common place and we can grow a beautiful garden together.  I am just starting the process so I hope to add as I go. 
In my classroom and my school I feel technology is available.  I have many things to learn so I can use technology more within my classroom.  Have you heard of ISTE NETS and Performance Indicators for Teachers? http://www.iste.org/Libraries/PDFs/NETS_for_Teachers_2008_EN.sflb.ashx
I had not heard of (NETS T) before they were introduced in my technology class I am taking.  After reading these I feel as if I have a lot of work to do in order to be a leader in digital-age education.  Does anyone else feel as if they have more work to do as a digital-age education leader?  I do many of the things mentioned in the NETS T but I feel as if I am missing the technology piece.
As a kindergarten teacher I have many new things to teach my students.  I am fortunate to have my students all day every day.  Technology is a part of our every day routine but I know I need to learn more to take my teaching to the next level.  I suppose I could come up with a million excuses as to why I am not taking things to the next level, but I would rather not and just move forward in my process.  One of the first steps to planting my garden is planting the seeds.  I have planted some seeds, I have started watering, and now I must pull some weeds. 
How can I be sure I am doing what is best for my students when it comes to technology?  What I know, is what I teach, so now it is time for me to start finding some new seeds to plant and get moving.  I am always open to new ideas so please share.  I do like to share what I know as well.  Some people can grow certain plants in their gardens and some can't.  I like to take the approach of trying everything.  If something does not grow then I will try something else.  I am my own barrier to what grows in my garden.  I like to take what I have and work with it.  I try new things with caution as I do not like to fail.  I do understand there will be ups and downs.  Some years things will grow big and some years they won't.  I am taking this year to fertilize my garden and keep the weeds away.  I do not have any fears when it comes to trying something new however, I did say I am cautious while at the same time curious.
As I move forward in my journey I invite you to join me.  I want new plants in my garden this year.  My goals are to keep working hard in the garden as I know it takes a lot of work.  I am going to take suggestions from others because sharing gardening ideas is what helps each garden grow stronger.

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